By Greensboro. For Greensboro.
Making a Difference in the Piedmont Triad.
Education. Healthcare. Entrepreneurship.
Under the umbrella of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, our goal is to create lasting impact in the Piedmont Triad by supporting Non-Profits in a few target areas of focus.
Started by Stanley and Dorothy Frank in 1997, it is a legacy of their generosity and the hard work of hundreds of women and men over the past 60 years. This includes the employees of Carolina By-Products, which Stanley Frank owned and operated for 36 years.
Our Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant applications.
Stanley and Dorothy are major strengths in this community and their real strength lies in their character. What those two have done for and meant to this community is remarkable. They are both the salt of the earth.
– Kay Stern
The Stanley & Dorothy Frank Family Foundation is a strong supporter of the following areas of focus.
Education is critical to our community’s future. Our support of early childhood education through higher ed aims to life-long learners who grow up to make a difference in our region.
Some of the organizations we support include but are not limited to Guilford College, Appalachian State University, Guilford Technical Community College, & Ready for School Ready of Life.
Now, more than ever, our first responders and health care workers need our support. The Stanley and Dorothy Frank Family Foundation supports the efforts of organizations which make it their mission to keep us safe and healthy.
Some of the organizations we support include but are not limited to Wake Forest Baptist, Comprehensive Cancer Center, UNCG School of Nursing, AuthoraCare Collective (Hospice), Cone Health—NICU and Cancer Center, & Fellowship Hall.
Rooted in the creation of jobs in the area, our foundation believes that business can and should create opportunities for everyone. We support organizations that make it possible for people to build and grow companies as drivers of economic development.
Some of the organizations we support include but are not limited to Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship, Greensboro Chamber of Commerce, & Junior Achievement.
Needs of the Elderly.
Caring for the Senior members of society is a clear indicator of how we are caring for one another. The Frank Family Foundation is dedicated to ensuring our Senior Adults have access to those resources necessary to live life to the fullest.
Some of the organizations we support include but are not limited to Senior Resources of Guilford.
Community Organizations.
Community is essential to life. We are proud to support organizations that provide and support community-building in our city.
Some of the organizations we support include but are not limited to Temple Emanuel, Greensboro Jewish Federation, Salvation Army of Greensboro, United Way of Greater Greensboro, Greensboro Police Foundation, & Legal Aid NC.